Timeframe: 2 Weeks

Team: Group of 4

Participation/Responsibilities: Project Management, Discussion Guide, Interviews, Affinity Map, Persona, Problem Statement & HMW, Design Studio, Prioritization Matrix, Business Model, User Flow, Sketching, Wireframing, Design Direction, Prototyping and Presentation

Type: Conceptual

Tools: Figma, FigJam, Maze, Descript, Notion, Zoom

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Be My Eyes is a platform that connects people with low vision to sighted volunteers through video calls for assistance with everyday tasks. To reach a larger audience, they need help customizing the app. Additionally, they plan to monetize the service through a tiered subscription model and offer rewards to volunteers.


Validate the expansion plan and create a subscription model that meets the target audience's needs and addresses their pain points, while staying true to the brand's values and branding.

Project Management

Before beginning the project, we created a team agreement outlining our working style as well as personal and business goals. I developed a project timeline and we adjusted it together to meet everyone's needs. Throughout the project, I took the initiative to ensure we stayed on track with our tasks and keep stakeholders informed of our progress.

